กระทู้เก่าบอร์ด อ.Yeadram
68,331 91
URL.หัวข้อ /
ถึงท่านอาจารย์ สันติสุข ค่ะ
คำถามต่อเนื่องนะคะอาจารย์ พอดีที่หนูหายไปหนูแอบไปรับปริญญามาค่ะ
ข้อที่ 1 เรื่องการค้นหาข้อมูลจากกล่องComboค่ะ
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub SetDefaultShippingAddress()
If IsNull(Me![Customer ID]) Then
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
If rsw.OpenRecordset("Customers Extended", "[ID] = " & Me.Customer_ID) Then
Me.[InvoiceNO] = DMax("[InvoiceNumber]", "[Orders]") + 1
With rsw.Recordset
Me![Ship Name] = ![Contact Name]
Me![Ship Address] = ![Address]
End With
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDeleteOrder_Click()
If IsNull(Me![Order ID]) Then
ElseIf Me![Status ID] = Shipped_CustomerOrder Or Me![Status ID] = Closed_CustomerOrder Then
MsgBoxOKOnly CannotCancelShippedOrder
ElseIf MsgBoxYesNo(CancelOrderConfirmPrompt) Then
If CustomerOrders.Delete(Me![Order ID]) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly CancelOrderSuccess
MsgBoxOKOnly CancelOrderFailure
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClearAddress_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ClearShippingAddress()
Me![Ship Name] = Null
Me![Ship Address] = Null
Me![Ship City] = Null
Me![Ship State/Province] = Null
Me![Ship ZIP/Postal Code] = Null
Me![Ship Country/Region] = Null
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCompleteOrder_Click()
If Me![Status ID] <> Shipped_CustomerOrder Then
MsgBoxOKOnly OrderMustBeShippedToClose
ElseIf ValidateOrder(Closed_CustomerOrder) Then
Me![Status ID] = Closed_CustomerOrder
MsgBoxOKOnly OrderMarkedClosed
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCreateInvoice_Click()
Dim OrderID As Long
Dim InvoiceID As Long
OrderID = Nz(Me![Order ID], 0)
' Gracefully exit if invoice already created
If CustomerOrders.IsInvoiced(OrderID) Then
If MsgBoxYesNo(OrderAlreadyInvoiced) Then
CustomerOrders.PrintInvoice Me.Customer_ID, OrderID
End If
ElseIf ValidateOrder(Invoiced_CustomerOrder) Then
' Create Invoice Record
If CustomerOrders.CreateInvoice(OrderID, 0, InvoiceID) Then
' Mark all Order Items Invoiced
' Need to change Inventory Status to SOLD from HOLD
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
With rsw.GetRecordsetClone(Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.Recordset)
While Not .EOF
If Not IsNull(![Inventory ID]) And ![Status ID] = OnHold_OrderItemStatus Then
![Status ID] = Invoiced_OrderItemStatus
Inventory.HoldToSold ![Inventory ID]
End If
End With
' Print the Invoice
CustomerOrders.PrintInvoice Me.Customer_ID, OrderID
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdShipOrder_Click()
If Not CustomerOrders.IsInvoiced(Nz(Me![Order ID], 0)) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly CannotShipNotInvoiced
ElseIf Not ValidateShipping() Then
MsgBoxOKOnly ShippingNotComplete
Me![Status ID] = Shipped_CustomerOrder
If IsNull(Me![Shipped Date]) Then
Me![Shipped Date] = Date
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Customer_ID_AfterUpdate()
Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.[Product ID].RowSource = "SELECT Inventory.[Product ID], Inventory.[Product Code], Inventory.[Qty Available] from Inventory where [Product Code] like '*" & Customer_ID & "*'"
SetFormState False
If Not IsNull(Me![Customer ID]) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Customer_ID_Current()
If Not Me.NewRecord Then
Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.[Product ID].RowSource = "SELECT Inventory.[Product ID], Inventory.[Product Code], Inventory.[Qty Available] from Inventory where [Product Code] like '*" & Customer_ID & "*'"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Customer_ID_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Me.Customer_ID.RowSource = "SELECT [ID], [Company], [Address For Ship], [ID] FROM [Customers Extended]where [Company], [Address For Ship], [ID] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*' order by [Company], [Address For Ship]"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Function GetDefaultSalesPersonID() As Long
GetDefaultSalesPersonID = GetCurrentUserID()
End Function
Function ValidateShipping() As Boolean
If Nz(Me![Shipping Fee]) = "" Then Exit Function
ValidateShipping = True
End Function
Function ValidatePaymentInfo() As Boolean
If IsNull(Me![Payment Type]) Then Exit Function
If IsNull(Me![Paid Date]) Then Exit Function
ValidatePaymentInfo = True
End Function
Sub SetFormState(Optional fChangeFocus As Boolean = True)
If fChangeFocus Then Me.Customer_ID.SetFocus
Dim Status As CustomerOrderStatusEnum
Status = Nz(Me![Status ID], New_CustomerOrder)
TabCtlOrderData.Enabled = Not IsNull(Me![Customer ID])
Me.cmdCreateInvoice.Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder)
Me.cmdShipOrder.Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder) Or (Status = Invoiced_CustomerOrder)
Me.cmdDeleteOrder.Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder) Or (Status = Invoiced_CustomerOrder)
Me.cmdCompleteOrder.Enabled = (Status <> Closed_CustomerOrder)
Me.[Order Details_Page].Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder)
Me.[Shipping Information_Page].Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder)
Me.[Payment Information_Page].Enabled = (Status <> Closed_CustomerOrder)
Me.Customer_ID.Locked = (Status <> New_CustomerOrder)
Me.Employee_ID.Locked = (Status <> New_CustomerOrder)
Me.sbfOrderDetails.Locked = (Status <> New_CustomerOrder)
End Sub
Function ValidateOrder(Validation_OrderStatus As CustomerOrderStatusEnum) As Boolean
If IsNull(Me![Customer ID]) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly MustSpecifyCustomer
ElseIf IsNull(Me![Employee ID]) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly MustSpecifySalesPerson
ElseIf Not ValidateShipping() Then
MsgBoxOKOnly ShippingNotComplete
If Validation_OrderStatus = Closed_CustomerOrder Then
If Not ValidatePaymentInfo() Then
MsgBoxOKOnly PaymentInfoNotComplete
Exit Function
End If
End If
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
With rsw.GetRecordsetClone(Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.Recordset)
' Check that we have at least one specified line items
If .RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBoxOKOnly OrderDoesNotContainLineItems
' Check all that all line items have allocated inventory
Dim LineItemCount As Integer
Dim Status As OrderItemStatusEnum
LineItemCount = 0
While Not .EOF
LineItemCount = LineItemCount + 1
Status = Nz(![Status ID], None_OrderItemStatus)
If Status <> OnHold_OrderItemStatus And Status <> Invoiced_OrderItemStatus Then
MsgBoxOKOnly MustBeAllocatedBeforeInvoicing
Exit Function
End If
ValidateOrder = True
End If
End With
End If
End Function
ข้อที่ 1 เรื่องการค้นหาข้อมูลจากกล่องComboค่ะ
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub SetDefaultShippingAddress()
If IsNull(Me![Customer ID]) Then
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
If rsw.OpenRecordset("Customers Extended", "[ID] = " & Me.Customer_ID) Then
Me.[InvoiceNO] = DMax("[InvoiceNumber]", "[Orders]") + 1
With rsw.Recordset
Me![Ship Name] = ![Contact Name]
Me![Ship Address] = ![Address]
End With
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDeleteOrder_Click()
If IsNull(Me![Order ID]) Then
ElseIf Me![Status ID] = Shipped_CustomerOrder Or Me![Status ID] = Closed_CustomerOrder Then
MsgBoxOKOnly CannotCancelShippedOrder
ElseIf MsgBoxYesNo(CancelOrderConfirmPrompt) Then
If CustomerOrders.Delete(Me![Order ID]) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly CancelOrderSuccess
MsgBoxOKOnly CancelOrderFailure
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClearAddress_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ClearShippingAddress()
Me![Ship Name] = Null
Me![Ship Address] = Null
Me![Ship City] = Null
Me![Ship State/Province] = Null
Me![Ship ZIP/Postal Code] = Null
Me![Ship Country/Region] = Null
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCompleteOrder_Click()
If Me![Status ID] <> Shipped_CustomerOrder Then
MsgBoxOKOnly OrderMustBeShippedToClose
ElseIf ValidateOrder(Closed_CustomerOrder) Then
Me![Status ID] = Closed_CustomerOrder
MsgBoxOKOnly OrderMarkedClosed
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCreateInvoice_Click()
Dim OrderID As Long
Dim InvoiceID As Long
OrderID = Nz(Me![Order ID], 0)
' Gracefully exit if invoice already created
If CustomerOrders.IsInvoiced(OrderID) Then
If MsgBoxYesNo(OrderAlreadyInvoiced) Then
CustomerOrders.PrintInvoice Me.Customer_ID, OrderID
End If
ElseIf ValidateOrder(Invoiced_CustomerOrder) Then
' Create Invoice Record
If CustomerOrders.CreateInvoice(OrderID, 0, InvoiceID) Then
' Mark all Order Items Invoiced
' Need to change Inventory Status to SOLD from HOLD
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
With rsw.GetRecordsetClone(Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.Recordset)
While Not .EOF
If Not IsNull(![Inventory ID]) And ![Status ID] = OnHold_OrderItemStatus Then
![Status ID] = Invoiced_OrderItemStatus
Inventory.HoldToSold ![Inventory ID]
End If
End With
' Print the Invoice
CustomerOrders.PrintInvoice Me.Customer_ID, OrderID
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdShipOrder_Click()
If Not CustomerOrders.IsInvoiced(Nz(Me![Order ID], 0)) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly CannotShipNotInvoiced
ElseIf Not ValidateShipping() Then
MsgBoxOKOnly ShippingNotComplete
Me![Status ID] = Shipped_CustomerOrder
If IsNull(Me![Shipped Date]) Then
Me![Shipped Date] = Date
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Customer_ID_AfterUpdate()
Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.[Product ID].RowSource = "SELECT Inventory.[Product ID], Inventory.[Product Code], Inventory.[Qty Available] from Inventory where [Product Code] like '*" & Customer_ID & "*'"
SetFormState False
If Not IsNull(Me![Customer ID]) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Customer_ID_Current()
If Not Me.NewRecord Then
Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.[Product ID].RowSource = "SELECT Inventory.[Product ID], Inventory.[Product Code], Inventory.[Qty Available] from Inventory where [Product Code] like '*" & Customer_ID & "*'"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Customer_ID_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Me.Customer_ID.RowSource = "SELECT [ID], [Company], [Address For Ship], [ID] FROM [Customers Extended]where [Company], [Address For Ship], [ID] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*' order by [Company], [Address For Ship]"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Function GetDefaultSalesPersonID() As Long
GetDefaultSalesPersonID = GetCurrentUserID()
End Function
Function ValidateShipping() As Boolean
If Nz(Me![Shipping Fee]) = "" Then Exit Function
ValidateShipping = True
End Function
Function ValidatePaymentInfo() As Boolean
If IsNull(Me![Payment Type]) Then Exit Function
If IsNull(Me![Paid Date]) Then Exit Function
ValidatePaymentInfo = True
End Function
Sub SetFormState(Optional fChangeFocus As Boolean = True)
If fChangeFocus Then Me.Customer_ID.SetFocus
Dim Status As CustomerOrderStatusEnum
Status = Nz(Me![Status ID], New_CustomerOrder)
TabCtlOrderData.Enabled = Not IsNull(Me![Customer ID])
Me.cmdCreateInvoice.Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder)
Me.cmdShipOrder.Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder) Or (Status = Invoiced_CustomerOrder)
Me.cmdDeleteOrder.Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder) Or (Status = Invoiced_CustomerOrder)
Me.cmdCompleteOrder.Enabled = (Status <> Closed_CustomerOrder)
Me.[Order Details_Page].Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder)
Me.[Shipping Information_Page].Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder)
Me.[Payment Information_Page].Enabled = (Status <> Closed_CustomerOrder)
Me.Customer_ID.Locked = (Status <> New_CustomerOrder)
Me.Employee_ID.Locked = (Status <> New_CustomerOrder)
Me.sbfOrderDetails.Locked = (Status <> New_CustomerOrder)
End Sub
Function ValidateOrder(Validation_OrderStatus As CustomerOrderStatusEnum) As Boolean
If IsNull(Me![Customer ID]) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly MustSpecifyCustomer
ElseIf IsNull(Me![Employee ID]) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly MustSpecifySalesPerson
ElseIf Not ValidateShipping() Then
MsgBoxOKOnly ShippingNotComplete
If Validation_OrderStatus = Closed_CustomerOrder Then
If Not ValidatePaymentInfo() Then
MsgBoxOKOnly PaymentInfoNotComplete
Exit Function
End If
End If
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
With rsw.GetRecordsetClone(Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.Recordset)
' Check that we have at least one specified line items
If .RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBoxOKOnly OrderDoesNotContainLineItems
' Check all that all line items have allocated inventory
Dim LineItemCount As Integer
Dim Status As OrderItemStatusEnum
LineItemCount = 0
While Not .EOF
LineItemCount = LineItemCount + 1
Status = Nz(![Status ID], None_OrderItemStatus)
If Status <> OnHold_OrderItemStatus And Status <> Invoiced_OrderItemStatus Then
MsgBoxOKOnly MustBeAllocatedBeforeInvoicing
Exit Function
End If
ValidateOrder = True
End If
End With
End If
End Function

91 Reply in this Topic. Dispaly 5 pages and you are on page number 5
81 @R14909
พอหนูsaveแล้วกดปุ่ม โปรแกรมขึ้นว่า ID is Required แล้วก็ไม่post ค่ะ
82 @R14910
If Me.Dirty Then
MsgBox "Please save editing product first.", vbExclamation, Me.Caption
GoTo Exit_Sub
End If
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
If Me.Dirty Then
MsgBox "Please save editing product first.", vbExclamation, Me.Caption
GoTo Exit_Sub
End If
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
83 @R14911
อาจารย์คะ มันขึ้น ID is Required โปนแกรมต้องการ ID ของตัวไหนอะคะ
84 @R14912
อาจารย์คะ ทำได้แล้วค่ะขอบพระคุณมากๆค่ะอาจารย์
85 @R14914
อาจารย์ค่ะ ไม่ได้อีกแล้ว :( พอหนูกลับไปดูโปรแกรมไม่ได้post จำนวนขึ้นไปอะค่ะ คือหนูadd สินค้า ราคา+save แต่พอกด add ก็ยังขึ้นว่า ต้องการ ID :(
86 @R14915
Update ค่ะ แก้ไขได้แล้วค่ะ ถ้าไม่ได้ยังอีกจะมาใหม่นะคะ ขอบพระคุณมากๆค่ะ
87 @R14957
อาจารย์คะ มาอีก1 เรื่อง ในcodeนี้อะค่ะถ้าเรากดปุ่มเปิด Invoice ไปแล้ว พอกลับมาเข้าดูฟอร์มใหม่บางทีมันผิดแต่ปริ้นไปแล้วมันแก้ไขอะไรไม่ได้ต้องไปแก้จากตาราง
หนูอยากแก้ไขจากฟอร์มเลยได้ไหมคะ ต้องแก้ code ตรงไหนคะ ในกรณีที่เราเปิดinvoice ไปเรียบร้อยแล้วอะค่ะ รบกวนอาจารย์อีกทีนะคะ
Form Order Detail
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub SetDefaultShippingAddress()
If IsNull(Me![Customer ID]) Then
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
If rsw.OpenRecordset("Customers Extended", "[ID] = " & Me.Customer_ID) Then
Me.[InvoiceNO] = DMax("[InvoiceNumber]", "[Orders]") + 1
With rsw.Recordset
Me![Ship Name] = ![Contact Name]
Me![Ship Address] = ![Address]
End With
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDeleteOrder_Click()
Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim InTrans As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_Handling
InTrans = False
Set DB = CurrentDb
If IsNull(Me![Order ID]) Then
ElseIf MsgBoxYesNo(CancelOrderConfirmPrompt) Then
InTrans = True: DBEngine.BeginTrans
DB.Execute "delete * from [Inventory Transactions] where [Customer Order ID] = " & CStr(Me![Order ID])
DB.Execute "delete * from [Orders] where [Order ID] = " & CStr(Me![Order ID])
DB.Execute "delete * from [Order Details] where [Order ID] = " & CStr(Me![Order ID])
DB.Execute "delete * from [Invoices] where [Order ID] = " & CStr(Me![Order ID])
DBEngine.CommitTrans: InTrans = False
MsgBoxOKOnly CancelOrderSuccess
End If
Set DB = Nothing
Exit Sub
If InTrans Then DBEngine.Rollback: InTrans = False
MsgBox "Error code " & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description
MsgBoxOKOnly CancelOrderFailure
Resume Exit_Sub
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClearAddress_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ClearShippingAddress()
Me![Ship Name] = Null
Me![Ship Address] = Null
Me![Ship City] = Null
Me![Ship State/Province] = Null
Me![Ship ZIP/Postal Code] = Null
Me![Ship Country/Region] = Null
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCompleteOrder_Click()
If Me![Status ID] <> Shipped_CustomerOrder Then
MsgBoxOKOnly OrderMustBeShippedToClose
ElseIf ValidateOrder(Closed_CustomerOrder) Then
Me![Status ID] = Closed_CustomerOrder
MsgBoxOKOnly OrderMarkedClosed
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCreateInvoice_Click()
Dim OrderID As Long
Dim InvoiceID As Long
OrderID = Nz(Me![Order ID], 0)
' Gracefully exit if invoice already created
If CustomerOrders.IsInvoiced(OrderID) Then
If MsgBoxYesNo(OrderAlreadyInvoiced) Then
CustomerOrders.PrintInvoice Me.Customer_ID, OrderID
End If
ElseIf ValidateOrder(Invoiced_CustomerOrder) Then
' Create Invoice Record
If CustomerOrders.CreateInvoice(OrderID, 0, InvoiceID) Then
' Mark all Order Items Invoiced
' Need to change Inventory Status to SOLD from HOLD
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
With rsw.GetRecordsetClone(Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.Recordset)
While Not .EOF
If Not IsNull(![Inventory ID]) And ![Status ID] = OnHold_OrderItemStatus Then
![Status ID] = Invoiced_OrderItemStatus
Inventory.HoldToSold ![Inventory ID]
End If
End With
' Print the Invoice
CustomerOrders.PrintInvoice Me.Customer_ID, OrderID
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub preview_Click()
Dim OrderID As Long
Dim InvoiceID As Long
OrderID = Nz(Me![Order ID], 0)
' Gracefully exit if invoice already created
If CustomerOrders.IsInvoiced(OrderID) Then
If MsgBoxYesNo(OrderAlreadyInvoiced) Then
CustomerOrders.PrintInvoice1 Me.Customer_ID, OrderID
End If
ElseIf ValidateOrder(Invoiced_CustomerOrder) Then
' Create Invoice Record
If CustomerOrders.CreateInvoice(OrderID, 0, InvoiceID) Then
' Mark all Order Items Invoiced
' Need to change Inventory Status to SOLD from HOLD
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
With rsw.GetRecordsetClone(Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.Recordset)
While Not .EOF
If Not IsNull(![Inventory ID]) And ![Status ID] = OnHold_OrderItemStatus Then
![Status ID] = Invoiced_OrderItemStatus
Inventory.HoldToSold ![Inventory ID]
End If
End With
' Print the Invoice
CustomerOrders.PrintInvoice1 Me.Customer_ID, OrderID
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdShipOrder_Click()
If Not CustomerOrders.IsInvoiced(Nz(Me![Order ID], 0)) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly CannotShipNotInvoiced
ElseIf Not ValidateShipping() Then
MsgBoxOKOnly ShippingNotComplete
Me![Status ID] = Shipped_CustomerOrder
If IsNull(Me![Shipped Date]) Then
Me![Shipped Date] = Date
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Customer_ID_AfterUpdate()
Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.[Product ID].RowSource = "SELECT Inventory.[Product ID], Inventory.[Product Code], Inventory.[Qty Available], Inventory.[disc] from Inventory where [Product Code] like '" & Customer_ID & " *'"
SetFormState False
If Not IsNull(Me![Customer ID]) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Customer_ID_Current()
If Not Me.NewRecord Then
Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.[Product ID].RowSource = "SELECT Inventory.[Product ID], Inventory.[Product Code], Inventory.[Qty Available], Inventory.[disc] from Inventory where [Product Code] like '*" & Customer_ID & "*'"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Customer_ID_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Me.Customer_ID.RowSource = "SELECT [ID], [Company], [Address For Ship], [ID] , [MemberName], [Code] FROM [Customers Extended] where ([Company] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([Address For Ship] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ID] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([MemberName] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ADDRESS2] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ADDRESS3] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ADDRESS4] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ship2] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ship3] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ship4] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([Code] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') order by [Company], [Address For Ship]"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Function GetDefaultSalesPersonID() As Long
GetDefaultSalesPersonID = GetCurrentUserID()
End Function
Function ValidateShipping() As Boolean
If Nz(Me![Shipping Fee]) = "" Then Exit Function
ValidateShipping = True
End Function
Function ValidatePaymentInfo() As Boolean
If IsNull(Me![Payment Type]) Then Exit Function
If IsNull(Me![Paid Date]) Then Exit Function
ValidatePaymentInfo = True
End Function
Sub SetFormState(Optional fChangeFocus As Boolean = True)
If fChangeFocus Then Me.Customer_ID.SetFocus
Dim Status As CustomerOrderStatusEnum
Status = Nz(Me![Status ID], New_CustomerOrder)
TabCtlOrderData.Enabled = Not IsNull(Me![Customer ID])
Me.cmdCreateInvoice.Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder)
Me.cmdShipOrder.Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder) Or (Status = Invoiced_CustomerOrder)
Me.cmdDeleteOrder.Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder) Or (Status = Invoiced_CustomerOrder)
Me.cmdCompleteOrder.Enabled = (Status <> Closed_CustomerOrder)
Me.[Order Details_Page].Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder)
Me.[Shipping Information_Page].Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder)
Me.[Payment Information_Page].Enabled = (Status <> Closed_CustomerOrder)
Me.Customer_ID.Locked = (Status <> New_CustomerOrder)
Me.Employee_ID.Locked = (Status <> New_CustomerOrder)
Me.sbfOrderDetails.Locked = (Status <> New_CustomerOrder)
End Sub
Function ValidateOrder(Validation_OrderStatus As CustomerOrderStatusEnum) As Boolean
If IsNull(Me![Customer ID]) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly MustSpecifyCustomer
ElseIf IsNull(Me![Employee ID]) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly MustSpecifySalesPerson
ElseIf Not ValidateShipping() Then
MsgBoxOKOnly ShippingNotComplete
If Validation_OrderStatus = Closed_CustomerOrder Then
If Not ValidatePaymentInfo() Then
MsgBoxOKOnly PaymentInfoNotComplete
Exit Function
End If
End If
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
With rsw.GetRecordsetClone(Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.Recordset)
' Check that we have at least one specified line items
If .RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBoxOKOnly OrderDoesNotContainLineItems
' Check all that all line items have allocated inventory
Dim LineItemCount As Integer
Dim Status As OrderItemStatusEnum
LineItemCount = 0
While Not .EOF
LineItemCount = LineItemCount + 1
Status = Nz(![Status ID], None_OrderItemStatus)
If Status <> OnHold_OrderItemStatus And Status <> Invoiced_OrderItemStatus Then
MsgBoxOKOnly MustBeAllocatedBeforeInvoicing
Exit Function
End If
ValidateOrder = True
End If
End With
End If
End Function
อันนี้ form order detail subform
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Product_ID_AfterUpdate()
'Initialize price and discount for each product change
If Not IsNull(Me![Product ID]) Then
Me![Quantity] = 0
Me.Quantity.Locked = False
Me![Unit Price] = GetListPrice(Me![Product ID])
Me![Discount] = 0
Me![Status ID] = None_OrderItemStatus
Me.Discount = Nz(Me.Product_ID.Column(3), 0)
'Empty Product records mean user wants to delete line item
eh.TryToRunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
If Nz(Me![Status ID], None_OrderItemStatus) = Invoiced_OrderItemStatus Then
Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowEdits = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Quantity_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim IT As InventoryTransaction
Dim PurchaseOrderID As Long
Dim SupplierID As Long
IT.ProductID = Nz(Me![Product ID], 0)
IT.Quantity = Me![Quantity]
IT.AllOrNothing = True
IT.InventoryID = Nz(Me![Inventory ID], NewInventoryID)
'Request Hold on specified Inventory
If Inventory.RequestHold(Me![Order ID], IT) Then
Me![Inventory ID] = IT.InventoryID
Me![Status ID] = OnHold_OrderItemStatus
'Insufficient Inventory
ElseIf Me![Status ID] <> None_OrderItemStatus And Me![Status ID] <> NoStock_OrderItemStatus Then
MsgBoxOKOnly InsufficientInventory
Me![Quantity] = Me.Quantity.OldValue
'Attempt to create purchase order for back ordered items
ElseIf MsgBoxYesNo(NoInventoryCreatePO) Then
SupplierID = Inventory.FindProductSupplier(IT.ProductID)
'Create purchase order if we have supplier for this product
If SupplierID > 0 Then
If PurchaseOrders.Generate(SupplierID, IT.ProductID, Me![Quantity], Me![Order ID], PurchaseOrderID) Then
PurchaseOrders.OpenOrder PurchaseOrderID
Me![Status ID] = OnOrder_OrderItemStatus
Me![Purchase Order ID] = PurchaseOrderID
Me![Status ID] = NoStock_OrderItemStatus
End If
'Could not find a supplier for this product
MsgBoxOKOnly CannotCreatePO_NoSupplier
Me![Status ID] = NoStock_OrderItemStatus
End If
Me![Status ID] = NoStock_OrderItemStatus
End If
Exit Sub
' Resume statement will be hit when debugging
If eh.LogError("Quantity_AfterUpdate") Then Resume
End Sub
Private Sub Status_Name_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Select Case Me![Status ID]
Case NoStock_OrderItemStatus, None_OrderItemStatus
Case OnOrder_OrderItemStatus
Dim PurchaseOrderID As Long
PurchaseOrderID = Nz(Me![Purchase Order ID], 0)
If PurchaseOrderID > 0 Then
PurchaseOrders.OpenOrder PurchaseOrderID
End If
Case Invoiced_OrderItemStatus
End Select
End Sub
หนูอยากแก้ไขจากฟอร์มเลยได้ไหมคะ ต้องแก้ code ตรงไหนคะ ในกรณีที่เราเปิดinvoice ไปเรียบร้อยแล้วอะค่ะ รบกวนอาจารย์อีกทีนะคะ
Form Order Detail
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub SetDefaultShippingAddress()
If IsNull(Me![Customer ID]) Then
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
If rsw.OpenRecordset("Customers Extended", "[ID] = " & Me.Customer_ID) Then
Me.[InvoiceNO] = DMax("[InvoiceNumber]", "[Orders]") + 1
With rsw.Recordset
Me![Ship Name] = ![Contact Name]
Me![Ship Address] = ![Address]
End With
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDeleteOrder_Click()
Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim InTrans As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_Handling
InTrans = False
Set DB = CurrentDb
If IsNull(Me![Order ID]) Then
ElseIf MsgBoxYesNo(CancelOrderConfirmPrompt) Then
InTrans = True: DBEngine.BeginTrans
DB.Execute "delete * from [Inventory Transactions] where [Customer Order ID] = " & CStr(Me![Order ID])
DB.Execute "delete * from [Orders] where [Order ID] = " & CStr(Me![Order ID])
DB.Execute "delete * from [Order Details] where [Order ID] = " & CStr(Me![Order ID])
DB.Execute "delete * from [Invoices] where [Order ID] = " & CStr(Me![Order ID])
DBEngine.CommitTrans: InTrans = False
MsgBoxOKOnly CancelOrderSuccess
End If
Set DB = Nothing
Exit Sub
If InTrans Then DBEngine.Rollback: InTrans = False
MsgBox "Error code " & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description
MsgBoxOKOnly CancelOrderFailure
Resume Exit_Sub
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClearAddress_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ClearShippingAddress()
Me![Ship Name] = Null
Me![Ship Address] = Null
Me![Ship City] = Null
Me![Ship State/Province] = Null
Me![Ship ZIP/Postal Code] = Null
Me![Ship Country/Region] = Null
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCompleteOrder_Click()
If Me![Status ID] <> Shipped_CustomerOrder Then
MsgBoxOKOnly OrderMustBeShippedToClose
ElseIf ValidateOrder(Closed_CustomerOrder) Then
Me![Status ID] = Closed_CustomerOrder
MsgBoxOKOnly OrderMarkedClosed
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCreateInvoice_Click()
Dim OrderID As Long
Dim InvoiceID As Long
OrderID = Nz(Me![Order ID], 0)
' Gracefully exit if invoice already created
If CustomerOrders.IsInvoiced(OrderID) Then
If MsgBoxYesNo(OrderAlreadyInvoiced) Then
CustomerOrders.PrintInvoice Me.Customer_ID, OrderID
End If
ElseIf ValidateOrder(Invoiced_CustomerOrder) Then
' Create Invoice Record
If CustomerOrders.CreateInvoice(OrderID, 0, InvoiceID) Then
' Mark all Order Items Invoiced
' Need to change Inventory Status to SOLD from HOLD
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
With rsw.GetRecordsetClone(Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.Recordset)
While Not .EOF
If Not IsNull(![Inventory ID]) And ![Status ID] = OnHold_OrderItemStatus Then
![Status ID] = Invoiced_OrderItemStatus
Inventory.HoldToSold ![Inventory ID]
End If
End With
' Print the Invoice
CustomerOrders.PrintInvoice Me.Customer_ID, OrderID
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub preview_Click()
Dim OrderID As Long
Dim InvoiceID As Long
OrderID = Nz(Me![Order ID], 0)
' Gracefully exit if invoice already created
If CustomerOrders.IsInvoiced(OrderID) Then
If MsgBoxYesNo(OrderAlreadyInvoiced) Then
CustomerOrders.PrintInvoice1 Me.Customer_ID, OrderID
End If
ElseIf ValidateOrder(Invoiced_CustomerOrder) Then
' Create Invoice Record
If CustomerOrders.CreateInvoice(OrderID, 0, InvoiceID) Then
' Mark all Order Items Invoiced
' Need to change Inventory Status to SOLD from HOLD
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
With rsw.GetRecordsetClone(Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.Recordset)
While Not .EOF
If Not IsNull(![Inventory ID]) And ![Status ID] = OnHold_OrderItemStatus Then
![Status ID] = Invoiced_OrderItemStatus
Inventory.HoldToSold ![Inventory ID]
End If
End With
' Print the Invoice
CustomerOrders.PrintInvoice1 Me.Customer_ID, OrderID
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdShipOrder_Click()
If Not CustomerOrders.IsInvoiced(Nz(Me![Order ID], 0)) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly CannotShipNotInvoiced
ElseIf Not ValidateShipping() Then
MsgBoxOKOnly ShippingNotComplete
Me![Status ID] = Shipped_CustomerOrder
If IsNull(Me![Shipped Date]) Then
Me![Shipped Date] = Date
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Customer_ID_AfterUpdate()
Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.[Product ID].RowSource = "SELECT Inventory.[Product ID], Inventory.[Product Code], Inventory.[Qty Available], Inventory.[disc] from Inventory where [Product Code] like '" & Customer_ID & " *'"
SetFormState False
If Not IsNull(Me![Customer ID]) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Customer_ID_Current()
If Not Me.NewRecord Then
Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.[Product ID].RowSource = "SELECT Inventory.[Product ID], Inventory.[Product Code], Inventory.[Qty Available], Inventory.[disc] from Inventory where [Product Code] like '*" & Customer_ID & "*'"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Customer_ID_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Me.Customer_ID.RowSource = "SELECT [ID], [Company], [Address For Ship], [ID] , [MemberName], [Code] FROM [Customers Extended] where ([Company] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([Address For Ship] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ID] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([MemberName] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ADDRESS2] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ADDRESS3] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ADDRESS4] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ship2] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ship3] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([ship4] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') or ([Code] like '*" & Me.Customer_ID.Text & "*') order by [Company], [Address For Ship]"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Function GetDefaultSalesPersonID() As Long
GetDefaultSalesPersonID = GetCurrentUserID()
End Function
Function ValidateShipping() As Boolean
If Nz(Me![Shipping Fee]) = "" Then Exit Function
ValidateShipping = True
End Function
Function ValidatePaymentInfo() As Boolean
If IsNull(Me![Payment Type]) Then Exit Function
If IsNull(Me![Paid Date]) Then Exit Function
ValidatePaymentInfo = True
End Function
Sub SetFormState(Optional fChangeFocus As Boolean = True)
If fChangeFocus Then Me.Customer_ID.SetFocus
Dim Status As CustomerOrderStatusEnum
Status = Nz(Me![Status ID], New_CustomerOrder)
TabCtlOrderData.Enabled = Not IsNull(Me![Customer ID])
Me.cmdCreateInvoice.Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder)
Me.cmdShipOrder.Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder) Or (Status = Invoiced_CustomerOrder)
Me.cmdDeleteOrder.Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder) Or (Status = Invoiced_CustomerOrder)
Me.cmdCompleteOrder.Enabled = (Status <> Closed_CustomerOrder)
Me.[Order Details_Page].Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder)
Me.[Shipping Information_Page].Enabled = (Status = New_CustomerOrder)
Me.[Payment Information_Page].Enabled = (Status <> Closed_CustomerOrder)
Me.Customer_ID.Locked = (Status <> New_CustomerOrder)
Me.Employee_ID.Locked = (Status <> New_CustomerOrder)
Me.sbfOrderDetails.Locked = (Status <> New_CustomerOrder)
End Sub
Function ValidateOrder(Validation_OrderStatus As CustomerOrderStatusEnum) As Boolean
If IsNull(Me![Customer ID]) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly MustSpecifyCustomer
ElseIf IsNull(Me![Employee ID]) Then
MsgBoxOKOnly MustSpecifySalesPerson
ElseIf Not ValidateShipping() Then
MsgBoxOKOnly ShippingNotComplete
If Validation_OrderStatus = Closed_CustomerOrder Then
If Not ValidatePaymentInfo() Then
MsgBoxOKOnly PaymentInfoNotComplete
Exit Function
End If
End If
Dim rsw As New RecordsetWrapper
With rsw.GetRecordsetClone(Me.sbfOrderDetails.Form.Recordset)
' Check that we have at least one specified line items
If .RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBoxOKOnly OrderDoesNotContainLineItems
' Check all that all line items have allocated inventory
Dim LineItemCount As Integer
Dim Status As OrderItemStatusEnum
LineItemCount = 0
While Not .EOF
LineItemCount = LineItemCount + 1
Status = Nz(![Status ID], None_OrderItemStatus)
If Status <> OnHold_OrderItemStatus And Status <> Invoiced_OrderItemStatus Then
MsgBoxOKOnly MustBeAllocatedBeforeInvoicing
Exit Function
End If
ValidateOrder = True
End If
End With
End If
End Function
อันนี้ form order detail subform
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Product_ID_AfterUpdate()
'Initialize price and discount for each product change
If Not IsNull(Me![Product ID]) Then
Me![Quantity] = 0
Me.Quantity.Locked = False
Me![Unit Price] = GetListPrice(Me![Product ID])
Me![Discount] = 0
Me![Status ID] = None_OrderItemStatus
Me.Discount = Nz(Me.Product_ID.Column(3), 0)
'Empty Product records mean user wants to delete line item
eh.TryToRunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
If Nz(Me![Status ID], None_OrderItemStatus) = Invoiced_OrderItemStatus Then
Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowEdits = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Quantity_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim IT As InventoryTransaction
Dim PurchaseOrderID As Long
Dim SupplierID As Long
IT.ProductID = Nz(Me![Product ID], 0)
IT.Quantity = Me![Quantity]
IT.AllOrNothing = True
IT.InventoryID = Nz(Me![Inventory ID], NewInventoryID)
'Request Hold on specified Inventory
If Inventory.RequestHold(Me![Order ID], IT) Then
Me![Inventory ID] = IT.InventoryID
Me![Status ID] = OnHold_OrderItemStatus
'Insufficient Inventory
ElseIf Me![Status ID] <> None_OrderItemStatus And Me![Status ID] <> NoStock_OrderItemStatus Then
MsgBoxOKOnly InsufficientInventory
Me![Quantity] = Me.Quantity.OldValue
'Attempt to create purchase order for back ordered items
ElseIf MsgBoxYesNo(NoInventoryCreatePO) Then
SupplierID = Inventory.FindProductSupplier(IT.ProductID)
'Create purchase order if we have supplier for this product
If SupplierID > 0 Then
If PurchaseOrders.Generate(SupplierID, IT.ProductID, Me![Quantity], Me![Order ID], PurchaseOrderID) Then
PurchaseOrders.OpenOrder PurchaseOrderID
Me![Status ID] = OnOrder_OrderItemStatus
Me![Purchase Order ID] = PurchaseOrderID
Me![Status ID] = NoStock_OrderItemStatus
End If
'Could not find a supplier for this product
MsgBoxOKOnly CannotCreatePO_NoSupplier
Me![Status ID] = NoStock_OrderItemStatus
End If
Me![Status ID] = NoStock_OrderItemStatus
End If
Exit Sub
' Resume statement will be hit when debugging
If eh.LogError("Quantity_AfterUpdate") Then Resume
End Sub
Private Sub Status_Name_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Select Case Me![Status ID]
Case NoStock_OrderItemStatus, None_OrderItemStatus
Case OnOrder_OrderItemStatus
Dim PurchaseOrderID As Long
PurchaseOrderID = Nz(Me![Purchase Order ID], 0)
If PurchaseOrderID > 0 Then
PurchaseOrders.OpenOrder PurchaseOrderID
End If
Case Invoiced_OrderItemStatus
End Select
End Sub
88 @R14958
ระบบมีการล็อคเอาไว้เพื่อไม่ให้เปิดบิลแล้วกลับมาแก้ order เดิมได้ ดังนั้นขั้นตอนของ business operation ทุกขั้นตอนที่โปรแกรมได้วางไว้ต่อจากนี้ และความถูกต้องของข้อมูลต่อจากนี้ มันยืนอยู่บนพื้นฐานที่มั่นใจว่า order จะไม่ถูกแก้ไขได้อีก และบิลก็จะไม่ถูกเปลี่ยนแปลงด้วย ดังนั้นถ้าจะแก้ไขตรงนี้ จะต้องไปดูทั้งระบบเลยครับว่ากระทบอย่างไรบ้าง ซึ่งไม่ใช่เรื่องเล็กๆแล้ว และไม่ควรที่จะทำ ควรที่จะทำตามขั้นตอนที่โปรแกรมมีให้ไว้ เช่น ยกเลิก order เดิม (ไม่ทราบว่าทำได้หรือไม่) แล้วป้อนใหม่เป็นอีกใบอีกหมายเลข ซึ่งกรณีนี้ต่างจากในกรณีของคำถามเก่าที่ให้เปิด PO พร้อมโพสลง Inventory ได้ ตรงนั้นเราพอจะทำได้เพราะนั่นเป็นการทำตาม business operation ที่เดินไปข้างหน้า เพียงแต่เราลัดขั้นตอนการปฏิบัติงาน และมีการแก้ไขไม่มากเท่านั้นครับ
89 @R14959
ตามนะค่ะ ท่านอาจารย์ :)
90 @R14962
ตาม อะไรครับ ? งานนี้ผมไม่แก้ให้นะครับ เพราะผมไม่แน่ใจว่าจะเกิดผลกระทบต่อไปยังไงบ้าง เกิดแก้ไปแล้วมีปัญหา กลายเป็นว่าผมต้องมานั่งรับผิดชอบระบบนี้แทน ซึ่งเกินภาระที่ผมจะรับได้ครับ
91 @R14969
ขอโทษค่ะ อาจารย์ หนูตั้งใจจะเขียนว่า ตามนั้นค่ะอาจารย์ คือหนู ไม่ทำแบบที่แก้ไขได้แล้วค่ะ คือ พอหนูเอาโปรแกรมมาใช้ กับ head office คนที่ทำค่อนข้างไม่เข้าใจเกี่ยวกับ เทคโนโลยีมากนัก แล้วพอเค้าเปิดผิดเค้าก็แก้ไม่เป็น มันทำให้งานช้าอะค่ะ หนูเลยคิดว่า จะให้แก้ไขตรงนั้นได้ พอมาถามอาจารย์ อาจารย์บอกว่ามันจะมี ปัญหามากระทบหลายอย่าง หนูเลย พิมพ์บอกอาจารย์ ตามนั้น คือตามที่อาจารย์บอกนะคะ ขอโทษด้วยค่ะ
Time: 0.3117s