การ Format เวลาในรูปแบบ [hh]:nn:ss
กระทู้เก่าบอร์ด อ.Yeadram

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การ Format เวลาในรูปแบบ [hh]:nn:ss

ตามหัวข้อกระทู้ ใน access ไมมีการ format เวลาในรูปแบบนี้หรือครับ [hh]:nn:ss
สมมุติ 13:00:00 + 15:20:00 อยากให้โชว์เป็น 28:20:00
...ใน excel ทำได้แต่ใน access ต้องทำอย่างไรครับ

4 Reply in this Topic. Dispaly 1 pages and you are on page number 1

1 @R08486
ผมว่า คงต้องเขียนเป็นฟังก์ชั่นเอาเองแล้วล่ะครับ
ผลลัพธ์คงต้องเป็น string แล้วล่ะครับ
2 @R08497
สงสัย... ต้องเป็นอย่างนั้น ถ้าไม่มี
3 @R08516
ตอนนี้ผมใช้ตัวนี้อยู่ครับ ลองเอาไปปรับใช้ดู ก๊อปเขามาเหมือนกัน

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Function HoursAndMinutes(interval As Variant) As String
' Function HoursAndMinutes(interval As Variant) As String
' Returns time interval formatted as a hours:minutes string
Dim totalminutes As Long, totalseconds As Long
Dim hours As Long, minutes As Long, seconds As Long
If IsNull(interval) = True Then Exit Function

hours = Int(CSng(interval * 24))

totalminutes = Int(CSng(interval * 1440))   ' 1440 = 24 hrs * 60 mins
minutes = totalminutes Mod 60

totalseconds = Int(CSng(interval * 86400)) ' 86400 = 1440 * 60 secs
seconds = totalseconds Mod 60

If seconds > 30 Then minutes = minutes + 1 ' round up the minutes and
If minutes > 59 Then hours = hours + 1: minutes = 0 ' adjust hours

HoursAndMinutes = hours & ":" & Format(minutes, "00")
End Function

Public Function ElapsedTimeString(dateTimeStart As Date, dateTimeEnd As Date) As String
' Function ElapsedTimeString(dateTimeStart As Date, dateTimeEnd As Date) As String
' Returns the time elapsed between a starting Date/Time and an ending
' Date/Time formatted as a string that looks like this:
' "10 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes, 40 seconds".
Dim interval As Double, str As String, days As Variant
Dim hours As String, minutes As String, seconds As String
If IsNull(dateTimeStart) = True Or _
   IsNull(dateTimeEnd) = True Then Exit Function

interval = dateTimeEnd - dateTimeStart

days = Fix(CSng(interval))
hours = Format(interval, "h")
minutes = Format(interval, "n")
seconds = Format(interval, "s")

' Days part of the string
str = IIf(days = 0, "", _
   IIf(days = 1, days & " Day", days & " Days"))
str = str & IIf(days = 0, "", _
   IIf(hours & minutes & seconds <> "000", ", ", " "))
' Hours part of the string
str = str & IIf(hours = "0", "", _
   IIf(hours = "1", hours & " Hour", hours & " Hours"))
str = str & IIf(hours = "0", "", _
   IIf(minutes & seconds <> "00", ", ", " "))
' Minutes part of the string
str = str & IIf(minutes = "0", "", _
   IIf(minutes = "1", minutes & " Minute", minutes & " Minutes"))
str = str & IIf(minutes = "0", "", IIf(seconds <> "0", ", ", " "))
' Seconds part of the string
str = str & IIf(seconds = "0", "", _
   IIf(seconds = "1", seconds & " Second", seconds & " Seconds"))
ElapsedTimeString = IIf(str = "", "0", str)
End Function

Public Function ElapsedDays(dateTimeStart As Date, dateTimeEnd As Date) As String
' Function ElapsedDays(dateTimeStart As Date, dateTimeEnd As Date) As String
' Returns the time elapsed in days between a starting Date/Time and
' an ending Date/Time formatted as a string that looks like this:
' "10 days" or "1 day".
Dim interval As Double, days As Variant
If IsNull(dateTimeStart) = True Or _
   IsNull(dateTimeEnd) = True Then Exit Function
interval = dateTimeEnd - dateTimeStart
days = Fix(CSng(interval))
ElapsedDays = IIf(days = 1, days & " Day", days & " Days")
End Function
4 @R08518
ขอบคุณครับ... คุณ saknoi
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