MS-Access กับ Port RS-232,USB
กระทู้เก่าบอร์ด อ.Yeadram

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MS-Access กับ Port RS-232,USB

เรียน ท่านสมาชิกทุกท่าน
ตอนนี้ผมกำลังหาตัวอย่างโปรแกรมที่ใช้งานได้จริงของโปรแกรม MS-Access ที่ติดต่อผ่าน Port RS-232 หรือ USB อยู่ครับ
ไม่ทราบว่า สมาชิกท่านใดมีอยู่บ้างอยากจะขอไฟล์ศึกษาหน่อยครับ

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1 @R00513
Private Sub Form_Load()
' chose correct settings for your device
Settings = "9600,n,8,1"
MSComm1.Settings = Settings
MSComm1.Commport = 1

With MSComm1
' receive chr by chr
    .InputLen = 1
    .RThreshold = 0
    .SThreshold = 0
    .InBufferSize = 10240       '10kb
    .InputMode = comInputModeText
    .Handshaking = 0            'None
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Receive()
FileName = App.Path & "\RS232.dat"
Open FileName For Output As #1
    RxTxt = MSComm1.Input
' start capture if you get some input
' you may also wait for some other specific character
    Loop Until RxTxt > vbNullString
    inbuff = vbNullString
    RxTxt = MSComm1.Input
' data is supposed to be separated by Chr(10)
' chose another separationmark if neccesary
        If RxTxt = Chr(10) And Len(inbuff) > 0 Then
            If Left(inbuff, 1) = Chr(10) Then inbuff = Right(inbuff, Len(inbuff) - 1)
            Print #1, inbuff
            inbuff = vbNullString
            If Len(RxTxt) > 0 Then
            inbuff = inbuff + RxTxt
            End If
2 @R00514
Private Sub Form_Load()
' chose correct settings for your device
Settings = "9600,n,8,1"
MSComm1.Settings = Settings
MSComm1.Commport = 1

With MSComm1
' receive chr by chr
    .InputLen = 1
    .RThreshold = 0
    .SThreshold = 0
    .InBufferSize = 10240       '10kb
    .InputMode = comInputModeText
    .Handshaking = 0            'None
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Receive()
FileName = App.Path & "\RS232.dat"
Open FileName For Output As #1
    RxTxt = MSComm1.Input
' start capture if you get some input
' you may also wait for some other specific character
    Loop Until RxTxt > vbNullString
    inbuff = vbNullString
    RxTxt = MSComm1.Input
' data is supposed to be separated by Chr(10)
' chose another separationmark if neccesary
        If RxTxt = Chr(10) And Len(inbuff) > 0 Then
            If Left(inbuff, 1) = Chr(10) Then inbuff = Right(inbuff, Len(inbuff) - 1)
            Print #1, inbuff
            inbuff = vbNullString
            If Len(RxTxt) > 0 Then
            inbuff = inbuff + RxTxt
            End If
        End If
' data is supposed to end with Chr(3)
' chose another endmark if neccesary
    Loop Until RxTxt = Chr(3)
End Sub
3 @R00519
4 @R11972
@ ประกาศใช้งานเว็บบอร์ดใหม่ => บอร์ดเรียนรู้ Access สำหรับคนไทย
Time: 0.2438s